The Gift is an inspiring and practical CaFE series aimed at people of all ages to help them encounter the Holy Spirit and empower them to share their faith.

The six sessions cover:

  • The Father’s Love
  • The Gift of the Spirit
  • A Personal Pentecost
  • The Joy of the Gospel
  • Unwrapping God’s Gift
  • Living in the Spirit

The teachings are relaxed, personal and informative, rooted in the Bible, the Catechism and Evangelii Gaudium with reflections on the Holy Spirit from Pope Francis. The speakers are all well-known, excellent and inspiring presenters such as David Payne, Michelle Moran, Charles Moran and Jenny Baker.

The Gift will run in the Parish Centre between Easter and Pentecost 2019 starting on Wednesday evening May 1st at 7.30.

If you have any questions or would like any further information, please contact David or Colleen on 494 5759 or 07989 642 716.